Raising Awareness
(June - August)

      First the manifesto was printed in the 5 different languages that are taught at school (French, Portuguese, English, Spanish and German). The teachers of each subject distributed it to the students in class so the same students (4èmes) discussed the manifesto in at least 4 different languages. This provided them not only with content and topics to discuss but was also a useful activity in translation and in building awareness to the common and different points in each language. A sense of unity, of working towards the same goal was created as the different language teachers gathered around the same point.       Each group chose to illustrate one or more particular points of the Manifesto. Each plot was worked upon in French classes, environmental issues were discussed in Science, some cartoon techniques and cartoons in English, perspective in Math, drawing in Art classes .

      Students of 4ème also created questions about geography, history, society, arts and culture and sports in Brazil for the game Unite the Nations in November.

(two first weeks of September)

      Each group of students was responsible for one point of the manifesto, which was written in capital letters in the different languages on a big white sheet of paper...like a true manifesto. These papers were stuck all over the school and in the CDI calling the attention of all who went by. The students from the whole school were invited to come to the library to sign the manifesto online. The students from the classes involved took turns in the library to explain and orient the others.


Production 3èmes (October)

      Classes of 3ème in Portuguese classes produced booklets on Peaceful Living/Living better based on discussions held in class.


Production 2ndes and 4èmes
(16th November)

      On 16 th November, "The International Day for Tolerance", students from the classes of 4ème 1, 4ème 2 and 4ème 3, grouped in teams of 5, participated in the game "Unite the Nations", a rally with multiple-choice questions on geography, history, social issues, arts and sports created by students from each country. Within the time-span of 24 hours students raced against each other and time answering questions on other countries. Every two hours, they were monitored by teams of students of 2nde and teachers who encouraged and helped them.

      In the meantime, the other students of 2ndes, in turns, discussed topics and answered questions connected to human-rights education, environmental preservation and management, heritage preservation and non-violent conflict resolution.

Production 4eme 3 (16th to 20th October)

      French cartoonist Emmanuel Lepage showed the 4ème3 the different stages of cartoon making and the students , under his supervision and that of Mme Nigrin, Arts teacher, created the drawings for the plots they had developed.

      At the end of the workshop there was a round table with Brazilian cartoonists in which students and parents participated.


      Beforehand they had exchanged e-mails with participating schools and introduced themselves. This was conducted in class and on an online forum among students from all over the world.

Connecting Through Peace
summary of discussions and photographs

Peace and Violence at School
summary of discussions and photographs

Peace and the Environment
summary of discussions and photographs

Youth and Peace
summary of discussions and photographs

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